Our vision

What is St Anthony’s Vision?

Our vision is 'Lighting pathways for life'.


At St Anthony’s we encourage and inspire our students to follow ‘The St Anthony’s Way’.  A journey of demonstrating our love of learning and love of others. Along the St Anthony’s Way, we are the light for others as we strive to...

Be engaged Be respectful
Be persistent Be fair
Be curious Be kind
Be a communicator Be honest
Be proud Be inclusive

'Lighting pathways for life' - an explanation

Education of the whole child: academically, socially, culturally, physically, emotionally and spiritually is a role shared amongst the family, the school and society. 

The light is the love, care, nurturing, expertise and encouragement that members of the community, especially the staff offer the students.

The school aims to provide varied opportunities to enable children to learn skills, attitudes, values and beliefs to live life to the best of their ability. We consider these opportunities as pathways. As all children are unique in their learning and expression of life, they therefore respond differently and are nurtured uniquely.