St Anthony's School - Term 1 Week 8 2021
Principal's News.....
Welcome to our Week 8 newsletter! We are officially down to our last 10 school days of this term. Crazy!!!!
Today was our 4th day of indoor play. The rain has been beautiful but I'm sure we'll all be glad to be playing outside again!
We launched our new parent portal last Wednesday. All parents should have received an email with an individualised key to access the portal and then choose a username and password. Check your junk mail and if you still haven’t received an email, let us know in the office.
It is wonderful to see that already 86 parents have accessed the portal. There is also an app to download from the app store ‘Sentral for Parents App’ and alerts will come through this app.
Let us know if there are any issues with using the portal.
After the holidays, we will no longer use Skoolbag for communication. All communication will be via the portal, including our “Week Ahead’ update that will be posted each Sunday.
Parent Partnership Forum
Thank-you to those parents who attended our PPF AGM on Tuesday evening. It was lovely to see some new faces.
I am very pleased to anounce our new PPF executive - Chairperson - Tracey Page and Secretary - Katie Rub. I also wish to extend a heartfelt thank you to our outgoing executive - Chrissy Everitt as Chairperson and Jacqui Castles as Secretary. These ladies willingly stepped up to these positions 2 years ago and have done an amazing job navigating this new model of parent engagement with positivity.
We have had some discussion at the recent PPF gatherings regarding our current uniform and whether we still need a Winter and Summer uniform. A survey has been distributed to all parents requesting your feedback and we will discuss the results of this survey at our next meeting on 27th April at 6.30pm in the staffroom.
On Friday, 7th May from 6.00 - 8.00pm the PPF are co-ordinating a disco and BBQ. This will be our first school community event for the year and we'd love to see everyone come along. This will be a great way for our new St Anthony's families to connect with other families also. The children can enjoy the disco while the parents enjoy a bite to eat and great company!
So please save this date and more details will come closer to this event.
We have also ordered 50 pairs of earrings from the very popular company 'Stomping Elephants'. These will be available for $7.00 a pair. We will let you know once these have arrived and are available for purchase. Check out the website or facebook page of 'Stomping Elephants'.
Prep 2022
It is that time of year again where we urgently request for any existing families who may have a child eligible for Prep in 2022 to ensure an enrolment application has been submitted. Children who are born between 1/07/2016 to 30/06/2017 are eligible to enter next year’s Prep program. It is vitally important that we have secured a place for children of existing families prior to offering places to new families. I would also highly recommend that you regularly discuss your child’s progress with your Kindy teacher. Delayed entry for children who are not developmentally ready for formal schooling is the best strategy to ensure your child is given every opportunity to experience a positive and enjoyable start in Prep. Children of existing families are guaranteed a Prep position for the following year if delayed entry is recommended by Kindergarten teachers or other specialists.
This year, our school will once again complete NAPLAN testing online, with the exception of Year 3 writing which is completed in paper version. Mrs Hauser and I have completed training to assist with the smooth running of the online tests. Year 3 and 5 students will participate in a practice test in early next term. This practice is to test our infrastructure and devices.
Our Year 3 students will use iPads to complete the testing and Year 5 will use laptops.
The actual NAPLAN testing will take place in May and more information will be given next term regarding our testing schedule.
It is assumed that all Year 3 and 5 students are participating in this testing unless notified otherwise by parents.
Communication with Teachers
Class teachers have an email contact that they encourage parents to use to pass on everyday messages, make appointments to see the teacher in person or alert to absence, etc. Email communication is checked regularly, however, please remember that the teachers will be in face-to-face contact with the students during the day and please await a response within a reasonable timeframe. If you have an urgent matter, please ring the school office. Any medication related matters must go through the school office.
We would ask parents to please make an appointment to discuss your child’s progress or behaviour, rather than approaching the teacher in the classroom in the morning for an indepth discussion. Mrs Hauser and I do all of the duties before school to allow the teachers valuable planning and organisation time in classrooms prior to the commencement of the new school day.
Attendance Reminder
Just a reminder that you will be contacted if your child is absent from school and we do not have a known reason for their absence (‘Unexplained’). This is a matter of safety for our students and ensuring that we know the whereabouts of our students during school hours. Please notify us if your child will be away from school on any given day through one of the following methods:
- providing written correspondence to your child’s teacher;
- ringing the schools on 46356200
- logging the absence through the Parent Portal.
Attendance Matters (Department of Education QLD)
Did you know? Research shows that in Queensland, higher student attendance at school is associated, on average, with higher student achievement.
Why is regular attendance at school important? Regular school attendance will mean that your child gets a better chance at life. Your child will achieve better when they go to school all day, every school day: they learn better, they make friends, they are happier and they have a brighter future.
Why must I send my child to school? Under Queensland law, you must make sure your child of school age is enrolled and attends school all day, every school day unless they have a reasonable excuse. Illness, doing work experience, competing in a school sporting event or going on a school excursion are reasonable excuses for being absent from school. Principals decide if the excuse given for your child’s absence is reasonable.
Avoid keeping your child away from school for:
- Birthdays, shopping, visiting family and friends, if they sleep in, looking after other children, minor check ups or care such as hair cuts.
- Routine medical or other health appointments should be made either before or after school or during the school holidays.
- While it is a last resort, it is important to understand that you may be prosecuted if your child is not attending school regularly.
What should I do if our family is going on a holiday in school time? You are encouraged not to schedule holidays during school time. If your family holiday is during school time, let the school know in advance and talk about what arrangements can be made for your child. Depending on the circumstances the school may be able to provide tasks for your child to complete while they are absent or assist you to organise an exemption from schooling.
Having problems getting your child to school for some of these reasons?
- Won’t get out of bed in the morning.
- Won’t go to bed at night.
- Can’t find their uniform, books, school bag ...
- Slow to eat breakfast.
- Haven’t done their homework.
- Watching TV.
- Have a test or presentation to do, have an assignment to hand in.
- It’s their birthday.
Try these suggestions to help get your child to school:
- A set routine can help.
- Have a set time to go to bed.
- Have a set time to get out of bed.
- Have uniform and school bag ready the night before.
- Have a set time for starting and finishing breakfast.
- Set a time for daily homework activities.
- Speak about school positively.
- Be firm, send your child to school every.
- School day including their birthday
Every day counts!
Until next newsletter…..God bless!
APRE News.....
Thank you to 5/6TN who lead our Prayer Assembly today as we reflected upon Harmony Day. Harmony is about getting on together, about accepting the gifts and talents of each person, about respecting and valuing how we are different and understanding that together we are stronger and more unified than we could be apart. This celebration and acceptance of diversity is a key feature of our school culture. With 20% of our student body having English as a second language and 8% of students identifying as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, we have a unique student body that has so much to learn from each other and so much to share. When we look to follow our motto of ‘serve him in others’ we aspire to create harmony in our world.
Mini Vinnies News
In support of Caritas and Project Compassion, the Mini Vinnies group will be selling Zooper Doopers for $1.00 after the Cross Country . We will also be encouraging students to come in Free Dress on the last day of term ( Thursday 1st of April) bringing a gold coin donation to raise more funds for the appeal. On the last day of term we would also ask you to please return your Project Compassion money boxes. We only have two more weeks of school before Lent finishes and we celebrate Easter to raise money, so please contribute if you can and help make a difference for others this Lent.
Congratulations to the students who made their first Reconciliation as part of the Sacramental program last week; Sharna Mason, Caiden Smith, Christian Magat, Puondak Mawien, Xavier Cullen, Jimmy O’Neill, Libbie Everitt , Ariana Lugg and Sidney Geran. These students now begin their preparation for Confirmation to be held on the 2nd of June followed by First Communion. Please look out for an email from Sr Maria with a date for a meeting concerning preparations for these sacraments.
This year the Pope proclaimed as the ‘Year of St Joseph’ and we celebrate the feast day of St Joseph on Friday the 19th of March. Joseph was a carpenter, a good and honest man whom God called to care for Mary and baby Jesus. He was a faithful and trusting servant of God who did what was asked of him. In this year of Saint Joseph, we can contemplate his life and learn from his story how to be a true servant of God.
Middle Leader News
Parent/Teacher Meetings
During Week 9 an opportunity is given to parents to speak with thier child’s teacher concerning student learning so far this year. Teachers look forward to meeting parents and having a one on one conversation to discuss where the student is at and their goals moving forward. Classroom teachers spend a lot of time during school hours getting to know their students on a personal and academic level, yet there is no denying that parents are a student’s first and foremost teacher and ‘experts’ on their own child. A Parent/Teacher Meeting is also an opportunity for parents to discuss their child, the goals they have for them this year, where they feel their strengths lie, what they are interested in and if there is anything in their life outside of school that could be impacting their educational develoment. The goal is always to develop an open dialogue between parents and teachers so that common expectations and goals can be agreed upon and worked on with consistency from home to school for maximum impact.
We are trialling a new system of booking interviews this year. You should have received an email with all the details of how to book your interview time. The website is and the code to make a booking is g2c2c. Please speak with your child’s teacher if you require a longer interview or to make alternative arrangements if these times do not suit.
Prep KJ & SJ
The Preps have been extremely busy learning new concepts and exploring themselves as individual learners within the classroom setting.
We have been delving deeper into our learning areas and have had many insightful contributions from students.
In Science over the past few weeks the Preps have learnt about what living things need and how best to look after them. Children, with teacher prompting decided that living things need, food, water shelter and a comfortable bed.
We were lucky enough to have a very special visitor on Friday. Miss Jaegers Corgi Harley, he was a gentle and happy little boy who loved visiting the students and was received very well by them. It was great to see the students using their scientific language to discuss what Harley needed to survive.
Our Maths unit ‘Having Fun with Maths’, which focuses on numbers, shapes and AB patterning, explores how mathematics can be used in students’ everyday lives.
Students have had fun exploring where maths can be found and how we use maths every day. We have had many insightful contributions from students about how much they are learning and finding out about maths. Students look forward to seeing what new things they will learn with maths.
Students are continually showing how they are seeking out new ways of learning. It is wonderful to see students enjoying their learning.
Yr 1 HS
This week in 1HS we have been focusing on 2D shapes in Math, creating shape foxes, and shape Artwork across the week. We have also continued with our Pig the Pug Literature study in English, retelling the events in the various books. In History we have been investigating the Past and Present and how things change over time. We have requested that all the students bring in photocopies (or email) three photos that show significant events and times in their own life. Ideally this would be a picture as a baby, toddler and child at a time in their life that they can talk about. For example, this is a photo of me at my first birthday where I blew the candles out on my cake. My parents and grandparents were there as well as my cousins. This is a photo of me when my baby sister was born, I felt very happy etc. Please have these in by the end of this week to ensure that we can print them and have them ready to start our timelines. Thank you kindly.
A big Happy Birthday to all the March babies. Azariah, Gracie-Kate, Aiden, and Alana.
Yr 1 RW
Welcome to Week Eight everyone.
Over the past fortnight, 1RW has been working hard in all of our subject areas.
English- we have been having a big focus on our reading goals. Before reading we are making a prediction about what we think the story might be about using the title and picture. During reading, if we come to a tricky word, we will use the first sound and look at the picture. If we read a sentence and it does not make sense, we will go back and reread to pick up on any mistakes. After reading we have been completing a five finger retell- characters, setting, beginning, middle and end. I encourage everyone to use these learning goals at home. In maths we explored the properties of 2D shapes and this week are moving onto the topic of time- looking at the concepts of o'clock and half past. In history we have been exploring the topic of past and present and students have been asked to bring in three photos from home (ideally a baby photo, toddler and child) and students will then present these to the class with a short explanation of each. If these could be brought in by Monday next week that would be great.
Yr 2 OT
Week 8, wow!
As we near the end of Term 2, 2OT are busy with their Math, English, and HASS assessment. The excitement for Cross Country is super high, and I cannot wait to see our little runners race on Friday! The bookings for parent teacher interviews are live – I look forward to seeing you all next week.
Don’t forget, we borrow from the library on Thursdays and we have school photos Monday!
Until next time,
Mr Tattam
Yr 2/3 VN
Welcome to Week 8! This week we are consolidating our learning and working through some assessment tasks so that during Parent Teacher Interviews, Mrs Daniells and I can discuss and show you the progress of your children across our Key Learning Areas; predominately Math and English. Interviews will mainly be held by myself (Ms. Nauschutz) as I teach the main elements of Math and English. Due to our own family/life commitments, we will only be doing interviews on our days of teaching e.g. I will only be at interviews on a Monday-Wednesday, Emma- Thursday. Please consider this when booking a day/time. If there is not a time available, please email me and we will do everything we can to find a time that is suitable for both parties. Interviews are strictly 10 minutes with a 5-minute buffer to assist in transitioning between parents. Please be respectful of this as it affects everyone if you are late or the interview runs over.
Yr 3 RM
We have been very busy with learning these last few weeks. In Maths we have continued to work on place value. We have also started to do addition with regrouping. Some children have identified that this has put them in the learning pit. In English we are learning about persuasive language, including modal verbs to show shades of meaning. In Religion we have been comparing the Matthew and Luke versions of the Beatitudes, and learning about the geography of the land in the time of Jesus.
Yr 4 SC
Year 4SC have been working hard to complete their picture book assessment. We are planning a story for Prep children to read. We created a tangram picture and identified the angles we saw in our designs. Our broad bean plants have demonstrated some success – some seeds sadly failed where others have grown to almost 40cm! We look forward to sharing our Infographic with parents at interview. We decided that we are very glad we did not live in England during the Industrial Revolution. We are also very interested in the three reasons why the First Fleet sailed to Australia. Swimming was fun and we look forward to our last session in Week 10. God Bless. 4SC and Mrs C
Yr 4/5 RS
Busy times in 4/5RS!!
The photos show our students editing writing with a partner, participating in number talks and Maths groups and speaking presentations to the class.
Yr 5/6 TN
We are at the busy end of the term! The students are busy working on projects, assignments and practising skills to sit Term 1 exams.
During our English lessons we are putting our knowledge of Information Texts to use and creating an information report. The students are working hard on creating purposeful paragraphs and working on editing their own texts to improve both the interest and punctuation.
The Year 5 students are currently holding their own election to demonstrate their understanding of the electoral process here in Australia. We have 3 parties (Education, Environmental and Social Justice) that the students have created. These groups have appointed who will be running for office and now working through several tasks that will result in our election. Meanwhile, the Year 6 students continue to grow their gross mould, which is right beside my desk and experimenting with different conditions for their plants to grow in.
On Tuesday we linked in Live with the Sydney Opera House to listen to Andy Griffiths the author. What a fantastic opportunity to hear from an author of a series of books that everyone enjoys reading “The Treehouse” series.
Have you heard about the Year 6 sleep over? If you haven’t heard all the excitement yet, there is going to be a Year 6 sleep over at school on Wednesday 31st March. The students have a post on Teams already about what they need to bring, but please keep an eye out in your email for final details about this event in the coming week.
Until next time, keep safe.
Mrs Terri-An Nolan
We’ve reached the stage in our English unit where we are researching an Asian animal in order to write an information report about it, using all that we’ve been taught about paragraphing, vocabulary and structure.
Since mastering decimal addition and subtraction in maths, we’ve moved onto conducting an investigation. Students will record data from a series of trials they will conduct and present this data in a side-by-side column graph. They will also interpret the results of their trials.
Thank you for your patience while mould was being grown for our Science unit – there were some spectacularly gross results!
Parent teacher interviews are coming up in Week 9, and I hope to have the opportunity to meet with all the Year 6 parents, so I can let you know just how wonderful your children are and how much I enjoy working with them.
Take care
Leigh Winters
A Brief Guide: Digital Mental Health Resources for Parents
Second Hand Uniform Shop - Donations Required
The Second Hand Uniform Shop is in desperate need of donations for size 10 or larger uniforms, specifically shorts, skorts and long pants. Any assistance with this wuld be appreciated.
Well Done Sid!
Sid has been doing some mini bull riding and was awarded a Memorial Buckle at the Stanthorpe Rodeo.