St Anthony's School - Term 1 Week 4 2022
Principal's News
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
It was wonderful to see and hear our students as they returned to St Anthony’s last week. The smiling faces on parents, staff and students shows how much we have missed being together. I would like to particularly thank our new families, with children in Prep and in other year levels, as I know this delayed start has been difficult – but we got through it together and we look forward to the journey you will have with our school community. Can I continue to thank all our parents for their continued attention to mask wearing and social distancing when coming onsite. For the next four weeks we will continue to limit access to the school site in line with QLD Health guidelines which have been a part of the Back to School 2022 Plan
St Anthony’s Way
In 2021, as a whole school community we embarked on a journey of developing our St Anthony’s Way – with the aim of creating a community of learners with a common language of learning across the school used in all classrooms by staff and students. At the crux of this process was gathering data and input through staff and student voice and collaborating and refining along the way, and we are very excited that this year we are now ready to officially launch our St Anthony’s Way and we have a very talented parent working on a poster design that will be evident in all classrooms and around the school.
Our St Anthony’s Way consists of 2 pathways – reflecting our vision ‘Lighting Pathways for Life’, aligned with the Presentation charism and the lantern of light brought to so many by Nano Nagle, the foundress of the Presentation Sisters. The lantern is a very significant icon in our school and provides a valuable connection to our charism.
Our first pathway is ‘Love of Learning and our second ‘Love for One Another’, the behaviours/dispositions of each pathway are:
Love of Learning –
- Be Engaged
- Be Curious
- Be Proud
- Be a Communicator
- Be persistent
Love One Another –
- Be Respectful
- Be Fair
- Be Kind
- Be Honest
- Be Inclusive
You will be seeing and hearing a lot more about our St Anthony’s Way this year. Be sure to ask your children to see if they can articulate what this means for them as students at St Anthony’s
Late Arrivals & Absences
Students who arrive after the bell must come through the front office to sign in to ensure all rolls are marked correctly. Parents are asked to inform their class teacher and the office if they are aware of particular dates their children will be away. This can be done via the Parent Portal, email or phone call to the office.
As part of wearing the school uniform correctly, students are required to tie their hair back if it is touching the collar or longer. This applies to both boys and girls. Haircuts with tracks or patterns are unacceptable. Earrings are the only form of jewellery to be worn, these should be sleepers or studs. Blue and white socks are to be worn with the sports uniform and black shoes are to be worn each day. A note is to be sent in by parents to the principal if their child is not wearing the correct uniform.
Formal uniform: Years 1-6 Monday, Tuesday and Friday.
Sports uniform: Years 1-6 Wednesday and Thursday.
A lost property tub can be found by students in the foyer of the assembly hall for students to look for any lost property. It is very easy to reunite a lost item with its owner if the item is named.
Communication is an important vehicle between the family and the school and I cannot stress enough the importance of you reading the fortnightly newsletter and the correspondence sent home from your child’s teacher and the office via the Parent Portal & email. These forms of communication are our main means of keeping you informed with what is happening around the school. Teachers can be contacted via email or by calling the office to make an appointment. As you would be aware, teachers are unable to meet with you once the bell has gone as they are responsible for the students in their class. If you have an issue or a concern, please know that we will try and deal with this together. If you need to discuss a concern with the teacher, please take the time to make an appointment as the mornings and afternoons can be busy. It is also important to know that the teacher is the first point of contact in dealing with your concerns. You are always welcome to speak with a member of the leadership team after speaking with your child’s teacher. School begins at 8:40am with morning duty beginning at 8:15am. The teacher is required to mark students absent if they are not present when the roll is called.
Students or siblings are not to be on the playground equipment at the conclusion of the school day. The senior playground situated on the bottom oval is NOT to be used by children under 8 at any stage, including after school. This is a WH&S regulation due to the heights of the various equipment parts and will be enforced at all times.
School Fees
Our fees for the term have been invoiced. Our Executive Director has communicated that there will be no adjustment to the Term 1 fees due to the delayed start as the operational costs of the school were unchanged during this time.
Your co-operation and support in the timely payment of fees and levies is always greatly appreciated. We rely on this income to upgrade and refurbish facilities and purchase resources.
In the Easter holidays, our junior toilet block will be gutted and refurbished. We have recently purchased 25 new laptops which are now in circulation for student use, our electronic school sign is up and running and at the end of this year we plan to refurbish our assembly hall.
Such projects are only possible when the income we predict to receive in our budget from the collection of fees is actually received.
Parent Information Sessions
As we are not yet able to meet face to face in large crowds, our teachers have all prepared power point presentations which will be sent out on the parent portal early next week. These presentations outline the curriculum expectations and routines of your child’s classroom for this year.
Hopefully in the not too distant future we can come together for a social gathering in true St Anthony’s style and welcome everyone to the new school year!
Until next newsletter……God Bless!
APRE News.....
This year so far, we welcome to our school community 30 new families. It is always such an exciting and comforting time to see all the familiar faces return and all the new faces appear. No matter who arrives, at St Anthony’s one of our core values along the ‘Love of one another” pathway is to ‘be inclusive’. The St Anthony’s way of accepting all who enter our gates and including them as members of our community is fundamental to our school identity and can be traced back in our school history to the Presentation Sisters, the first educators within our school. As we explore this value in 2022, we will look to find opportunities to celebrate our unique gifts and explore our differences with curiosity, not fear or judgement. We will look to build our skills in inviting, not separating and being a friend that others can count on. This Friday all classes will participate in a prayer service led by classroom teachers that will welcome all students to the school year, beginning with the theme “We all belong”. This will take the place of an opening Mass as we are unable to gather at this point in time. During this prayer service students will reflect upon who they would personally like to welcome into our community and actions they can take to make them feel included.
All are welcome in this place
Behold Love's amazing grace
Bring your hopes, bring your dreams
Mercy flows, and love redeems
All are welcome! All belong!
Jesse and Jennah Manibusan, 2016, All Are Welcome
We continue to keep in our thoughts and prayers the students who are on their sacramental journey. Please keep looking out for emails from Sr Maria to confirm the dates of the next catch up as you prepare for the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist.
Middle Leader
Welcome to another year of learning at St Anthony’s for 2022. First weeks of school are always a little daunting, however it already feels like students and teachers are ‘settling in’ to the routine of school life once again. We are all unique individuals; children, parents and teachers and none of us can deny the effect our personality traits, life experiences and current circumstances have over our interactions and wellbeing. I am in the unique position of being able to ‘observe’ how students, parents and teachers all deal with new beginnings. Fundamental it would appear, to any successful transition is that all participants feel welcomed and accepted. Teachers know that for any successful classroom to operate effectively they need to quickly build rapport with their students. We are blessed at St Anthony’s to have a group of teachers who are very clear around the importance of student teacher relationships and who also understand that a successful partnership with parents is the next vital piece of the puzzle. Normally we would have a Parent Teacher Night, welcoming parents to their child/ren’s classroom, but due to current circumstances, we will do this virtually. On the portal next Monday you will be given access to the powerpoint that corresponds to your child’s class. Please take the time to watch/read these presentations and know that all teachers can be emailed using the following email pattern -
When building respectful relationships, it is useful to assume ‘good intentions’ of others, rather than rush to judgement. Sometimes our life experiences can lead us to jump to conclusions and respond in ways that are critical. It is always a parent's role to advocate for their individual child and their wellbeing, and it is a teacher’s role to strive to meet these needs, within the context of a classroom of many children. Teachers really do an amazing job to make each and every student in their class feel like they belong and that they are important. Please make a time to speak with your child’s teacher if you have any concerns or would just like to touch base with them about your child. We are all working towards the same goal – students who are happy, who feel secure, who engage socially and who are making academic progress.
Love of Learning
Be engaged | Be curious| Be a communicator| Be persistent| Be proud
Prep SJ
Welcome to Prep! Thank you, parents for the wonderful job you have done in preparing your child for school. They are settling in well and already becoming familiar with the routines and structures in our classroom. One of our main goals this term is to improve our fine motor skills and build strength in our hands and fingers so that we can hold a pencil correctly. When the students first get to school in the morning, we have a variety of fine motor activities set up at the tables to help us improve our skills. We have introduced ‘Doing The Five’ which consists of…. legs crossed, hands in lap, eyes watching, ears listening and lips zipped for when we are sitting on the carpet. ‘On the Farm’ is our theme this term and we look forward to ‘The Travelling Farm’ coming for a visit later in the term. Library books and Homework folders came home on Monday. We ask that all library books and homework folders are returned (in the library bag) on Mondays. Thank you for the lovely lunches that have been coming to school. We do ask that no nuts, chips, chocolate or lollies come in the lunch box. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Samantha and Katie.
Prep SR
Welcome to Prep! Thank you parents for the wonderful job you have done in preparing your child for school. We have had a great start to the year getting to know one another and becoming familiar with routines in our classroom. This term we are participating in activities to improve our fine motor skills and building strength in our hands and fingers so that we can hold a pencil correctly. We had a visit from our wonderful Occupational Therapist last week who has provided some activities to implement during this time. Thank you for the lovely lunches that have been coming to school. We do ask that no nuts products such as nut bars come in lunch boxes. Our library visits will be on Mondays, and we ask that all books are returned (in the library bag). ‘On the Farm’ is our theme this term and we look forward to reading our farm themed big books, creating artwork of farm animals as well as ‘The Travelling Farm’ coming for a visit later in the term.
Siobhan and Ange
Yr 1 RS
What a wonderful start to Year One we have had. The past two weeks have been about getting to know each other as we have joined from two different Prep classes as well as getting to know the new routines of Year One.
Everyone has settled in well and we have started exploring all of our curriculum for term one.
Here is an overview of what we are learning.
Maths - Focus on number study. Revising our knowledge from Prep and building our knowledge about numbers to 100. Later in the term we will be investigating, shapes and patterns as well.
English - Our key focus is to continue working on sight words, reading and spelling skills. We are doing this daily incorporating a study on the "Pig the Pug"
Religion - We are learning about loving relationships with God.
HASS - We are learning about families, aspects of families and family life over time.
Science - We are learning about the needs of living things, focusing on mini - beasts.
A reminder that Library day is Monday. All books and bags need to come to school every Monday as it is an important part of the curriculum as well as necessary for their homework to borrow home reading books.
Thank you, Emma Daniells and Jo Keleher
Yr 1 KS
I’m so happy to tell you that the lovely children of 1KS are settling in very well to their new work spaces and routines. They are currently revising all of the concepts and work from Prep to ensure we haven’t forgotten it all over the holidays. Some new concepts and sounds will gradually creep into our day and they will be happily learning Yr 1 work before we know it. As this term is now 2 weeks shorter than it would normally be we will be working as hard and as fast as we can!
Just a reminder that Library is on Mondays.
Music on Wednesdays
PE on Wednesday and Thursday (Sports uniform required)
Health / PE on Fridays. (Formal uniform.)
Have a wonderful week.
Kathy Spencer
Yr 2 BH
It’s so nice to be back and have my lovely Year Two class back from their very long break! We have begun the new year with lots of remembering. Remembering the school rules, remembering the ‘Zones of Regulation’ and remembering what we did last year. At the same time, we are learning all the new routines for a Year Two classroom. It’s an important couple of weeks which will set us up for a good year.
If you haven’t been reading with your child - start now! It is expected that every student reads for 5 to 10 minutes each and every night. Read anything you can get your hands on!
Please remember to send in the photos of your child as a baby, toddler etc – as per my recent email. We will be using them next week.
Can you help? I am trying to collect about 25 wine bottle corks. Preferably the ones that are thicker at the top and not a uniform cylinder shape. Obviously I’m not drinking enough wine yet! Please wash any that you find and send them in to the Year 2 room. They are for an art activity if I can source enough. Many thanks.
Mrs Hair
“The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.” E.E. Cummings
Yr 2/3 VN
Welcome to our first addition of 2/3VN happenings. I will start with saying how AMAZINGLY each student has embraced the fresh start of a new year. Both Mr. Tattam and I set out at the beginning of this term to establish our classroom of learners. We discussed and practised what it looks like to be a learner in our class and what our expectations and consequences look like. If our room is not peaceful and respectful of our peers, then learning will not be as effective. We are excited about a year ahead because everyone has embraced this chance with us.
We have spent the last two weeks establishing routines and learning activities needed to have a smooth-running classroom. We learnt how to log on to laptops to use Word as a publishing device, we learnt how to use our comprehension boxes, what dictation will look like, began writing tasks and started exploring our number and place value learning in Math. Additionally, we have already jumped into our Science and HASS units. We have set strong foundations and I am so impressed with how much we have got through.
Homework: Homework is an OPTIONAL activity in 2/3VN. We will send home a book with an activity grid, reading eggs password and a math workbook that parents can work through with their child if they wish. If you or your child would like it marked, please return on a Friday and Ms Nauschutz will do so. Reading is a MUST every night for every student!
Library: Wednesday
Yr 3 RM
Welcome to what has been a crazy start to the year. We are working hard to settle into routines and are learning new things every day. In English we are analysing perspective and character portrayal in narratives. We have been learning about the different types of nouns, including pronouns. In Maths we have investigated odd and even numbers and started to examine place value. In HASS we are looking at the importance of natural and human features, as well as using alphanumeric grid referencing to locate places.
Yr 4 SC
After a strange start to the new school year I am pleased to say that 4SC have hit the ground running and are beginning to fall into a solid routine. We have already built a strong class community of learners who use supportive language when speaking to each other. The most exciting thing we have done is plant our broad bean, sugar snap and snow pea seeds. Yesterday was day 7 and many seeds have germinated and some even have tiny leaves! We will be planting them in the vegetable garden behind the hall when they are big enough to plant. Please do not stress about Homework - my expectation is that all students read every day. It would also be beneficial if they practised their times tables and number facts. We look forward to another busy fortnight. Don't forget about school photos on Monday next week! God Bless. Mrs Cox
Yr 4/5 PK
What a start to Term One! Over the last week, 4/5PK have been busy getting into learning. We have been exploring place value and rounding in our Mathematics lessons. Within our literacy block we have started building our writing stamina – Mrs Kingsford has been rather impressed with our vocabulary choices and imaginative ideas. We have been using our technology skills to familiarize ourselves with Microsoft Teams, we think it is a great platform to collaborate and learn. We have even found ourselves delving into the world of visual art as we begin exploring the 7 elements of art. So far, we have displayed some creative patterns with the use of line. We are certainly looking forward to continuing our learning experiences together.
Until next time,
Year 4/5PK
Yr 5/6 TN
Congratulations to the students of 5/6TN for coming to school with a positive learning attitude for 2022. We have jumped straight into learning and developed our routines very quickly this year. For the first week of school, I asked each student to write themselves a goal which could be achieved by Friday. It was very interesting to see how different all the goals were; however, most were focused on organisation. It was also nice to see on Friday the number of desks that were still ‘rather’ clean and organised!
For the first three weeks of this Term we have a Student Teacher from USQ in our classroom. Miss Angeline Quan is a third year and is with us to observe the beginning of a school year. She has been working with the students in class and beginning to plan and develop some lessons. We hope that her time with us is fruitful and enjoyable.
Thank you to those parents that have replied to my email last week about Homework. This information is helping me put together a homework program which will be beneficial to all of our students. If you haven’t had a chance to reply to this email yet, it isn’t too late.
Finally, to those who have brought into school the last of the book lists. If your child is still needing to bring anything in, could this please be done as soon as possible.
Until next time, stay safe.
Mrs Terri-An Nolan
What a blessing it has been to have everyone in class; ready to learn! We’ve hit the ground running – having already begun learning about the Federation of Australia in HASS, exploring the fascinating world of microorganisms in Science and beginning an in-depth study of The Lord’s Prayer in Religion. Maths has been all about the four operations while English is teaching us how to effectively write and edit a narrative. Added to that, we’ve spent time developing our understanding of what it means to be a Year 6 leader and undertaken leadership jobs around the school – from hoisting the flag to delivering tuckshop to the Preppies! And all this in the first two weeks!
With all this activity, we know that we have a busy term ahead of us and it is up to each one of us to stay on task and make the most of every learning opportunity. Perhaps this snippet will help us stay on task.
“It’s not about perfect. It’s about effort. And when you bring that effort every
single day, that’s where transformation happens. That’s how change occurs.”
Yammer Group
Welcome to 2022! The Yammer Group during 2021 was a lot of fun and I can’t wait to see what we get up to this year.
As our Yammer Group continues to grow, we are continually developing the purpose of this group. First and foremost, it is an opportunity for the Indigenous students of our St Anthony’s community to come together and share. We share in knowledge, friendship, and experiences.
This year we would like to add the idea of support. To begin with this is going to come in the form of Support for NAPLAN. If your student is in Year 3 or 5 you would have received an email from me last week inviting your child to a Wednesday afternoon NAPLAN Preparation Program. If you haven’t replied to this email yet, it isn’t too late.
I look forward to working with the Yammer Group this year and continuing our journey together of learning and experiences throughout 2022.
Until Next Time,
Mrs Terri-An Nolan
Zone Swimming
Well done to our swimmers that competed at the Central Zone Swimming Carnival yesterday. Layla came second in the 50m Butterfly and Ethan came 3rd in the 50m Backstroke. Ethan swam a time that has qualified him for the Darling Downs trials.
Get to know our Staff
Holly Roche
Placing the right book into a student’s hand gives me a great sense of joy, finding that story to enable the student to experience an adventure, or escape to a new place, or simply enjoy the storytelling from an awesome author.
Volunteering at the school my three children attended, I realised a joy for sharing stories, for finding that right book, as well as a sense of satisfaction from neatly covering a new book. I obtained a certificate in library assistance and information services and was fortunate enough to gain employment in Catholic Education. For twelve years I have had the privilege of working at St Anthony’s.
We love reading here at St Anthony’s and share that joy as much as we can, from the fun of dressing up in book week to the serious business of the readers cup competition, each week having the students borrow items which interest them. Enriching our students by participating in child writes, having illustrator and author visits. We all have a story to tell, a book in us, maybe one day an author or illustrator on our shelves will be you 😊
Elizabeth Patterson
My name is Elizabeth Patterson and I have been at St Anthony’s since August 2001…now doesn’t that say how much I love this amazing little school? I work in the Administration Office 5 days a week. My major role is to keep the school finances under control but my work day consists of MANY other things, which means I am never bored.
I was born in a little central Queensland town called Muttaburra, coincidentally, the same year as the Muttaburrasaurus was discovered. (Is that saying something?) We moved when I was 2 and I grew up on a sheep station in western Queensland about 120km from a town called Cunnamulla and along with my siblings, we were educated by the then Queensland Primary Correspondence School, which is now the School of Distance Education, until the end of Year 6. We also had a half hour lesson every day on School of the Air which, back then, was in its very early years. In Year 7 I was sent to Boarding School, to St Hilda’s at the Gold Coast. It was pretty tough for a kid who had never set foot in a formal classroom, but I did survive.
I have 3 children, Kate, Matthew and Rachel who are the loves of my life as well as my grand daughter Maddie.
My down time is spent Bushwalking, gardening, reading and birdwatching. I have been on some amazing adventures in this wonderful country and overseas.
My favourite thing every day at work, is getting to see your beautiful children, when they come to the office!
Kim Hess
Hi, my name is Kim Hess and I have been working at St Anthony’s for over 10 yrs. My husband Dean and I have 3 children that have all been students at St Anthony’s. I currently work in the school administration, workplace health and safety and sometimes with learning support. We are really blessed to be able to work iin such a great environment. I especially enjoy seeing the progress the students make from when they first come as Preppies to when they leave as confident Yr 6s. I have seen many families come through St Anthony’s and the one thing that never changes is the community spirit that we have here.
Angela Brackstone
Hi! My name is Angela Brackstone and this will be my seventh year working as Prep School Officer at St Anthony’s school. I am married with two daughters who are now at high school after completing their primary schooling at St Anthony’s. Before joining the St Anthony’s staff I have worked within a number of schools assisting children from Preschool to Year 10. After spending 10 years working at a high school it is clear to me that my passion lies with the younger children in Prep. As my husband also works in the Education Department we are extremely lucky to be able to spend school holidays as a family. This allows us to do what we love doing most, which is fishing, camping and touring this amazing country of ours. We have been lucky enough to drive some of the most remote roads and visit some of the most iconic places throughout Australia. I thoroughly love my job and the people I work with and feel extremely blessed to go to work every day to a job that brings me so much joy.
Katie Rub
Hi, I am Mrs Katie and I am the school officer in Prep SJ.
My husband, Joel, is an electrician and we have 3 daughters - Hunter 14yrs, Mackenzie 12yrs and Bailey 9yrs.
In our spare time we like to go camping, cheer on the Brisbane Broncos and spend as much time as we can with our families and friends.
We have been a part of the St Anthony's community since 2013 and have loved every minute of it. We are sure that 2022 won’t be any different.
Sandy Sullivan
Hi, I'm Sandy Sullivan, a School Officer at St. Anthony's School. This is my 13th year at St. Anthony's which is like my second home. I find my position very rewarding, as working with the students and seeing progression in their learning, is very exciting for me when the students realize....... they can do it!. To see the students come in as little preppies, then progress to almost young adults by the time they finish Year 6, are memories that stay with me.
Jan Boyce
Hi I’m Jan Boyce I am married to Peter and have 3 grown children and 2 grandchildren they are the light of our lives. In my spare time I love to go for walks and spend time in my garden.
I have been a Teacher Aide at St Anthony’s for over 20 years. I love working with the children and have great joy and satisfaction when that lightbulb moment occurs. I have loved being a part of the St Anthony’s Community and hope to be here for many years to come.
Mary Neilan
Hi! My name is Mary Neilan and this is my 7th year working as a School Officer at St. Anthony’s. I love my job!
St. Anthony’s is very special to me because ……… I am a past student, I was married in our beautiful St. Anthony’s Church in 2002, we have 1 daughter who attended St. Anthony’s as well as all of my siblings. My family are still members of the St. Anthony’s Parish.
I am the second youngest in a large family of 9 children and I have 20 nieces and nephews. Most school holidays you will find me at the beach! (it is my special place). In my spare time I like to keep fit by going to the gym or swimming laps at the pool. My beautiful family and fun friends are the most precious gifts in my life.
I hope to see you around the school soon!
Richard Reading
Hi! I'm Richard and I'm the resident handyman/groundsperson. I have seen many changes through the years both in and out of the classrooms but one thing that stays the same is the strong community and homely feel.
I have been noted to visit Prep from time to time, dress up in character and read the children a story. The expression on their faces, questions and excitement make my job very rewarding.
Ann Foster
Hello everyone,
I am Ann Foster, the Learning Support Teacher. I have worked in this area for approximately twenty years.
My interests are many and varied. I love travelling and have been to some interesting places where the local cultures have mesmerised me. I suppose Belize would be the most magical of places that I have visited. It is a poor country but full of extraordinary people and lots of ruins.
Additionally, I have a fascination with how students learn and have studied for many years to increase my knowledge base. But, like everything, there is always a lot more to take in especially in the learning support area.
I am a renovator!!! I love renovating units and homes. My sons complete the hard work and I try to help by cleaning the working areas at the end of the day. I love the journey of seeing the plans and dreams come to fruition.
My friends and family are the joy of my life. I go out for tea at least once per week to visit new restaurants and enjoy the food and company. My friends are the most precious people in the world.
My family is the most important aspect of my life. I have six siblings, two brothers and four sisters. We are all very closely connected and I always know that they will be there for me. Luckily, they all live in Queensland, so I see them regularly.
My immediate family is quite small. I am widowed and have two adorable sons, Jason and Damian. Jason is the “elder” of the family and Damian the younger son. Jason has a beautiful partner, Dela. They have two children, both girls; Payton and Keeley. Payton is at QLD University and Keely is commencing Year 12. Damian is partnered by delightful Sarah. They have no children but have the most adorable dog, Frankie. They all bring great joy into my life.
I hope that we all get to know each other better and enjoy a fruitful year.
Take care,
Anne-Maree Splading
After five years of teaching 'out west' in Mitchell (3 years) and Dalby (2 years) I married Rod and moved to Toowoomba 25 years ago. I became part of St Anthony's Parish and taught Year One in 1994 and 1995. I took a break from teaching and became the mother of four wonderful children who all attended this great school - James (23), Michael (21), Katherine (19) and Genevieve (17). In 2003 I returned to the teaching staff at St Anthony's as a Music and Drama Teacher. Since then I've been involved with countless choirs, school musicals and Nativity plays, school and parish masses, and have helped organise P&F Events - Theatre Restaurants, Fetes, Variety and Trivia Nights. In both 2007 and 2012 I united the schools of Toowoomba and the Diocese to put together two charity Christmas CDs 'Reach for the Stars' and 'Beyond the Stars' combining children's choirs with the voices of country artists such as Gina Jeffreys, Brendon Walmsley and James Blundell. These raised around $70,000 for drought relief. I love my job and feel very lucky to have been able to be a part of such a wonderful community.
Belinda Hill
Hi, I’m Mrs Hill (Belinda) and have been at St Anthony’s Snack Shack for 7 years! It’s exciting watching our little tuckshop grow each year, when we think we have reached our limit, we knock out another goal. My husband works away so it’s usually Amber, Tom and myself hanging about. We enjoy doing anything family related, movies, bowling and heading to the coast
Leona Doherty
Hi! My name is Leona Doherty and I have been a teacher since graduating from USQ in 2003. I'm a born and bred Toowoomba girl who attended St Anthony's as a primary school student. I completed my secondary education at St Ursula's College.
We have 3 children, Amelia who is 14, Xavier 12 and Patrick 10. This year I have the pleasure of assisting EALD children.
St Anthony's Outside School Hours Care
Our Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) services provide the opportunity for children to grow and develop their social skills in a leisure based environment nurtured by our Catholic ethos.
The services offer a combination of before school, after school, Pupil Free days and vacation care led by a team of qualified educators. Our educators work with all children to create fun and recreational experiences so that a child’s wellbeing, learning and personal development are a priority. The services provide a variety of indoor and outdoor activities to support the diverse interests of all children.
St Anthony's OSHC Toowoomba
Coordinator: Jacinta Rixon
Phone: 0458 937 154 or 0458 897 293